Friday, October 31, 2008

Convert KEGG pathway files to SBML

This afternoon, I happen to find a useful tool on the mainpage of SBML: KEGG2SBML. The 1.5.8 version is released on 28 July 2008. Now it is currently limited to converting only KEGG Metabolic Pathway files and not other types of KEGG files. It is using the KEGG LIGAND database(not the xml files in the ftp).

Fortunatedly, I even found the converted files on one page of SBML, and the files can be downloaded directly.

I downloaded the three files: * SBML files without CellDesigner's tag : [Level-2 Ver-1 |Level-2 Ver-3] as well as * SBML files with CellDesigner's tag : [Level-2 Ver-1]. As is statemented, The version of Source Databases files are * KEGG Metabolic Pathways Release 47 and * LIGAND 2008-07-28 (daily snapshot) . I must note it down.

Tonight, I'd like to try to display these files by use of the CellDesign or Cytoscape. If this network reconstruction way works, then it might be the best one among my thoughts.

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